September 20, 2015
3 Minutes
May we congratulate you on not only investing in the best quality adult scooter on the market but for taking the decision to use your scooter as part of your daily routine.
Whether you are scooting to the station in the morning, along with the children on the school run or as a way of completing everyday errands you know just how much time and money you will save by scooting.
But how to prepare for your first ever scooter journey?
Panic not. Our 10 tips will leave you a connoisseur of all things scooter in no time at all.
We are not your mother and know you already have the manners of a saint – just extend those good manners when you are scooting. Get off your scooter if the pavement is too congested or when a group of people are coming the other way, don’t zip in and out of pedestrians and always stop at kerbs.
If you are scooting in early morning or evening light consider fixing a bell and a light to your scooter. This ensures you can be seen and heard by other pavement users.
We know you know this. Just remember to firmly press your brake (not drag your foot along the ground) in plenty of time before the kerb so as not to frighten car users.
Instead of scooting across lanes of traffic.
This is for your safety and the well-being of other pavement users. If the ground becomes unsteady or rocky slow your scooting speed to allow plenty of time for you to stop the scooter with your brake if required.
Especially when scooting on darker evenings or in busy car-jammed areas. This allows you to be seen by pavement and road users.
We recommend all scooter riders wear a helmet for safety but also understand, in the case of adults using scooters, this is an entirely personal decision. We do however have a range of adult helmets which mix style and safety beautifully. You can view all adult helmets on our website.
As opposed to the side nearer the roadside.
It takes only a couple of minutes to complete safety checks on your scooter. This includes checking the brake is free from mud of grit and ensuring the wheels of your scooter turn freely.
Scoot with a smile on your face knowing you are burning calories, saving some money, cutting down your journey times and looking after the environment. Surely all that is worth a few raised eyebrows as you scoot on by.
Do you have any tips to share about your daily scooter routine? Let us know via email or use the hashtag #microscooters.